Executive Committee

Prof. Fei SUN
CTRE Members

Prof. Ting XIE
Chair Professor, HKUST

Prof. Zhenguo WU
Professor, HKUST

Prof. Zilong WEN
Chair Professor, SUSTech

Prof. Zhongjun ZHOU
Professor, HKU

Prof. Huating WANG
Professor, CUHK

Prof. Patrick Shu-hang YUNG
Professor, CUHK

Prof. Ronald Chi Chiu WANG
Professor, CUHK

Prof. Tom CHEUNG
Associate Professor, HKUST

Prof. Kai LIU
Associate Professor, HKUST

Prof. Ho Yi MAK
Associate Professor, HKUST

Prof. Fei SUN
Associate Professor, HKUST

Prof. Yan YAN
Associate Professor, HKUST

Prof. Yusong GUO
Associate Professor, HKUST

Prof. Ellis Kin Lam FOK
Associate Professor, CUHK

Prof. Danny LEUNG
Associate Professor, HKUST

Prof. Angela Ruohao WU
Associate Professor, HKUST
International Advisors

Prof. David SCADDEN
Gerald and Darlene Jordan Professor of Medicine
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Prof. Fiona WATT
EMBO Director
Heidelberg, Germany

Director, Department of Embryology, Carnegie Institution of Washington
Johns Hopkins Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, Baltimore, MD, USA

Prof. Michael A. RUDNICKI
Director, Regenerative Medicine Program and Sprott Centre for Stem Cell Research
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
Names | Project title (and publication) |
WANG, Huating (CUHK) and XIE, Ting (HKUST) | ATF3 induction prevents precocious activation of skeletal muscle stem cell by regulating H2B expression. ( |
WANG, Huating (CUHK) and WU Zhenguo (HKUST) | Multiscale 3D genome reorganization during skeletal muscle stem cell lineage progression and aging. ( |
WANG, Huating (CUHK) and WU Zhenguo (HKUST) | Styxl2 regulates de novo sarcomere assembly by binding to non-muscle myosin IIs and promoting their degradation. ( |
WANG, Chi Chiu (CUHK) and XIE, Ting (HKUST | Human fetal brain and eye development. |
WANG, Chi Chiu (CUHK) and LEUNG, Danny (HKUST) | Placental disorders, COVID-19 infection, preeclampsia, and fetal growth restriction. |
Faculty Awards
Gene Chi Wai Man, Sze Wan Hung, Loucia Kit Ying Chan, Tao Zhang, Yiwei Zhao, Chi Chiu Wang. A novel prodrug of ERGCG (Pro-EGCG) for use in the treatment of endometriosis. International Invention Fair in the Middle East 2024 Silver Medal.
黄薇,黄志超,裴天娇,黄新,梁波,罗斌,伍芳蓉,谭婧. 子宫内膜异位症相关不孕的发生机制研究. 第五届(2023年)妇幼健康科学技术奖获奖成果自然科学奖三 等奖.
梁瑞宁,邹阳,徐玲,李佩双,黄志超,范培,彭佳华,彭雪梅. 创新理论指导的子宫内膜异位症临床解决方案构建及机制探究与应用. 2022年度江西省科学技术进步奖-等獎, 江西省人民政府2022年度江西省科学技术进步奖-等獎
Chi Chiu Wang, Sze Wan Hung, Gene Chi Wai Man, Xiaoyan Chen, Yiwei Zhao, Tao Zhang, Pui Wah Chung, Tin Chiu Li. EndoTest for Prediction of Implantation and Pregnancy Outcome. International Invention Fair in the Middle East 2023 Silver Medal
Chi Chiu Wang, Chi Wai Man, Sze Wan Hung, Xiaoyan Chen. Pro-EGCG for Treatment of Endometriosis. International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2022 Silver Medal.
Chi Chiu Wang, Pui Wah Chung, Sze Wan Hung, Chi Wai Man, Xiaoyan Chen, Yiwei Zhao, Tao Zhang,Tin Chiu Li. EndoTest for Prediction of Implantation and Pregnancy Outcome. International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2022 Silver Medal